Here at Userbrain, we take user privacy very seriously. As Userbrain is located in Austria, we abide by the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we also apply these regulations to how we handle personal information from all our testers globally.

Information that cannot be requested during a test

To comply with GDPR, it is prohibited to gather the following private data from testers:

  • Credit card numbers
  • Driver's License and its data
  • Car/House Loan numbers
  • Personal financial account numbers
  • Passport numbers
  • Account passwords
  • Social Security numbers 
  • Specific genetic information (e.g., genetic test results)
  • Biometric identifiers (e.g., fingerprints, voice prints, iris and retina scans)
  • Health plan account or beneficiary numbers

Please never ask testers to make a real purchase or booking, even if you offer a refund, as this would entail providing real financial data information.

Information that may be requested during a test

The following information can be requested during a user test, but our tester are not obligated to provide it. This information is classified as "personal data."

  • Full name
  • Birthdate
  • Real email address
  • Postal address
  • Online identifier data (IP address)

Requests for personal data in user tests are only permissible under the following three conditions:

  1. Testers must provide clear and informed consent to share this data through a screener prior to the test.
  2. The request must not violate our terms of service, such as tests created solely to collect personal data.
  3. The requested data must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

If it is necessary that your testers reveal this data within your test, please ensure permission is given before the test begins by means of a screening question.

Example Screening Question: We would like to ask for the following personal information during this test:
  1. Your email address
  2. Your full name
This information will be used solely for analyzing the user journey and understanding how users interact with specific features or workflows in the product.
Do you consent to sharing this information as part of the test?
  • Yes, I consent to sharing my personal information for this test.
  • No, I do not consent to sharing my personal information.

Account creation or Sign-ups

You might want to test account creation or the sign-up process of your product. Therefore testers need to use a real email address, phone number or connect their personal account. There are three options to do so:

  1. Provide login credentials that a tester would use to go through the process.
  2. Throwaway email services. Suggest a free service, such as Temp Mail, where testers can receive a verification email through a throwaway email address.

  3. Use a screener question, giving a detailed explanation of what data will be recorded, what it will be used for, and get tester's consent before the start of the test.

We suggest to go with one of the first options that don't reveal any personal data. This will open up the test for more users, even those that don't feel comfortable using personal data.

Tests created solely for the purpose of collecting personal data are prohibited and violate our terms of service.

Filtering the tester pool for specific target groups

Screening questions can also be used to filter our tester pool by asking for other personal data. Testers are not obligated to answer those questions or perform the test if they don't feel comfortable sharing this information. Some examples of what can be asked in a screening question:

  • Medical information, such as health history or treatment
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Family information, such as civil status, providing care for elderly, children, etc.
  • Sexual orientation

What data will I get from testers?

We will always provide basic data such as tester's demographics on each tester. Here are some examples:

AI-Insight tab:

Testers tab:

Video panel:


If you are not sure about which data can be requested during a test or how to setup your screening questions, feel free to reach out our Support Team: